3 Best Side Hustle For A Hairstylist

As a hairstylist, you have spent thousands of hours getting training & education to master your craft of cutting hair, but you may be looking to make extra money as a hairstylist. The extra income will help you become more financially independent.

In this guide, we will discuss 3side hustle ideas for a hairstylist like yourself. More than likely, you will use the skill that you already have to bring in extra income.

Side Hustles For Hairstylists

Amazon Associate Affiliate

As a hairstylist, you know the products that people should use for hair. People have a lot of hair conditions like dandruff, thinning, or even volume issues. You can earn hefty commission by sharing products on Amazon.

First of all, you have to register an account at Amazon Associate , You can also use your existing amazon logins if you already have one. Go to the blue link above and setup a free account, and after that, you will be able to share any products on amazon and will earn about 4-5% commission.

Amazon Affiliates

You can share this link with your friends, family via iMSG, FB, Instagram etc. If you want to take this further, take a look at AmazonSitesProfit.

Learn How To Start A Blog

Online Hair Consultation

You know how people should style their hair based on their face or the kind of products they should use, why not help people look better by offering Online hair consultation. You can post this service on FaceBook marketplace or Craigslist.

Haircut Based On The Face Shape

First, Design a small flyer from Canva.com for free. Once you have a small flyer, post it on your facebook, Instagram and the marketplaces.

Side Hustle For Hairstylist
Side Hustle For Hairstylist

You should charge people $100+ per consultation by catering to busy high-end people. Don’t bother working with low end people who get economy haircuts. You want to offer help for people who have the money. See if you can make it a recurring consultation by doing ever 2 months.

What advice should you offer on this consultation?

  • What kind of haircut to get?
  • Should their color their hair?
  • Is their hair thinning out?
  • Do you recommend them to talk to doctor about their hair issues
  • Haircut based on their face
  • Haircut based on the occasion

Focus On Kid’s Hairstyles

Who do people love the most? Their offsprings. What you can do is start a hairstyling service focused on kids under 15 and make it a premium service. Have a very fancy name like VIP Kids Cuts. Once you have a name, setup a small website, then start sending small flyers to rich neighborhoods in your city. There are people who will pay the premium price.

Non-Hair style-related Side Hustles

You can also try doing other side hustles that are outside of your skill set as well. You could try becoming a photographer, a blogger, Doing affiliate marketing and other various side hustle. You can see full list of side hustle ideas here.

NEXT: Watch ” 1,000 Ways To Make Money” YouTube Series.

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