Have you ever driven on the highway and on the side sell these wildflowers? Did you know that you can pick up these wildflowers for free? What about picking them up and selling wildflowers to people?
Now if you really want to make money, you have to get creative.
Where To Find Wildflowers?
You can find wildflowers on the side of the highway and road. You can also find wildflower in the woods or an open field.
Is It Legal To Pick Wildflowers?
It may vary depending on the city, state, or country you live in but in most places, it’s perfectly legal to pick up wildflowers.
How To Start Selling Wild Flowers?
Pick Wildflowers
Remember that you need to take something like a basket or a big bag to store the flowers to bring back.
Prepare Bouquets
To make a bouquet you need to do the following:
1. Cut the stems of the flowers
2. Pick a handful of flowers (10-12) and put them together (the ones with similar or contrasting colors will look the best)
3. Tie the flowers with a rubber band
4. Wrap the bouquet in brown craft paper or a thick wrapping paper.
Remember, presentation is key. The better job you do in creating bouquets, the easier it will sell.
Start Selling Wildflowers
The best part about selling at farmer’s markets are that they are mostly only opened on the weekend which means this is a real side hustle. If you have other businesses or jobs to attend to on the weekday, this is the person side hustle to start.
This is a very unusual side hustle idea. But if you want to make money and also don’t want to put too much effort into it, you have to get creative like this. It may seem odd or weird but at the end of the day, you can make $20-50 per bouquet without spending any money.